Greater Zurich Area

Doing business in Greater Zurich

来瑞士大苏黎世区,实现强大拓展 - 我们的服务

152 views November 09, 2021

您的企业是否在寻求国际化拓展?加入欧洲顶尖的技术与科研热门地区-瑞士大苏黎世区。 瑞士联邦大苏黎世区经济促进署,帮助您在瑞士成功设立机构的最佳合作伙伴 联系我们:...

Doing business in Greater Zurich

LatticeFlow in Greater Zurich

462 views November 09, 2021

Petar Tsankov, Co-founder and CEO of LatticeFlow, even chose the Greater Zurich Area twice to...

Doing business in Greater Zurich

ETH AI Center in Greater Zurich

304 views November 05, 2021

Klaus Fuchs, Director of Industry Collaboration at the ETH AI Center, explains why Greater Zurich...

Doing business in Greater Zurich

Scewo in the Greater Zurich Area

372 views October 27, 2021

The startup Scewo develops a wheelchair that can independently climb stairs and gets more...

Doing business in Greater Zurich

Robotics testing fields at Innovationpark Zurich

222 views October 27, 2021

Greater Zurich is a leading hub for robotics, drone technology and computer vision. Initiatives...

Doing business in Greater Zurich

Delvitech Testimonial Video Luca Terzi

476 views October 19, 2021

The Ticino-based startup Delvitech and its partners develop the gold standard of inspection...

Doing business in Greater Zurich

Launch stronger with GZA - our services at a...

1,624 views October 12, 2021

Are you looking to grow internationally? Join Europe’s hot spot for top players in tech and...

Doing business in Greater Zurich


139 views September 16, 2021


Doing business in Greater Zurich

Are you looking to grow your business...

363 views September 09, 2021

Technology is what drives the future and shapes society. Come join the bright minds and...

GZA Events

Quotes während der GZA Perspektiven 2021

133 views August 23, 2021

Nicht nur aufgrund der Pandemie, sondern auch generell – politisch, wirtschaftlich,...

GZA Events

GZA Pespektiven – Aufbruch

248 views August 19, 2021

Nicht nur aufgrund der Pandemie, sondern auch generell – politisch, wirtschaftlich,...

Doing business in Greater Zurich

Key success factor for U.S. biotechs expanding...

386 views May 21, 2021

Industry expert Samuel Bussmann, Co-Founder of BioXpansion and Partner at MME Legal Tax...